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Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from peterc23 :yer maybe if u had files backed up some one else might have another host? as temporary..

We have old backups, but that doesn't help us right now.. Me and FienDi are bombing the service provider with email messages, hopefully we will get the site up soon.

I have already started looking for a new service provider, we have had too many problems with the current one and they never give us any explanations and they have tried to screw us twice (so far).
Race on 30.10.2005/IMPORTANT!!
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Our website seems to be down atm, I have contacted our webhotel about it and they are fixing it. Can't say when it's up again, could be in 5 mins, could take a week.. Nothing we can do about it though.

If it's not up tomorrow, we have to think of something else to get all the information out.. I will update everything here if doesn't work by tomorrow.

I have just found out, that our source was unreliable, and because of that there is false information on our website.
We were informed, that Finland is changing to Winter time the night after race day, but the right info is that we change to Winter time tonight. So all times are Winter time! I will update this on the front page as soon as it's up again, but right now I can only do that here.

Sorry for the inconvenience..
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from dirty_rider : *It would be better if you would add the race servers to the lfsworld insim relay (Racers & Hosts online -> Insim Relay signup), because the last time I was dropped into that server what was not signed up to insim relay, therefore my friends couldn't watch my race via LfS Spectator.

We will do that IF we get it to work. It's been done in OLFSL for ages, because we know people want to watch their friend(s) race, and we can't allow anyone extra on the servers.

It doesn't always work, but we will use it whenever it's possible.
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from Lola Popeye :@Mrs FienDi: cool avatar, i can just see it saying 'This rule applies to EVERY event..'

Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from varjsa-9 :No. I'll quote our rules:

This rule applies also to the next event, no doubt in my mind about that. Also, I will not set up a poll for this

This rule applies to EVERY event..
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from Solar Hydro :Perhaps we could, in such circumstances, run the event over 2 weeks (e.g. Pools 1-3 this Sunday, Pools 2-6 next Sunday, but keep the hotlap deadline this week for all pools).

Yes, this is one option. Allthough it keeps us busy and by the computer for the next 3 weeks, so this won't happen very often.

However I'd still rather be stuck by the computer every night for 3 weeks than start changing points, templates and website database so we could use some other system.. That's too much work and this kind of events are rare.

Btw I updated FAQ on OLFSL website, should be out this week.
OLFSL test race!
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
We are teaching a new host, and because of that there will be a test race. It will be on Sunday 23.10.2005 (today), 17:00 GMT.

The server can only take 11 racers, so be fast
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
As the OLFSL Pool Manager I of all people should have realised that 50 laps takes about 2 hours, maybe more - but I didn't. :chair: The first time I even started thinking about this was, when someone said it will take this long.

This is the reality:

I have 4 hosts all together, one of them is not even trained yet. If we have 6 pools again, it will take (average 2,5 hours/pool) 15 hours to complete all pools. 15 hours!! Hosts won't race and host at the same time, because it's absolutely impossible to monitor the race if you're driving as well. So even if I manage to get 2 or 3 pools to start at the same time, it will still take very long.

So with this crew it's - if not impossible, at least very difficult - to arrange races that take 2-3 hours/pool.

As I said before, I of all people should have realised this, but I didn't. Shame on me, bad Mrs FienDi.. :guilty: Hate me if you want to, but this is how it is. 40 laps is the absolute maximum.

You want to race 50 or more laps? Sure, volunteer: we will teach you to host races. [email protected]

Mrs FienDi
Pool Manager/PR Manager
The Original LFS League
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Allow the player to rejoin if he/she was disconnected on the 1st lap...

That was once allowed.. But people complained about it a lot, so we had to drop it.
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from prophet.est :Umm... some drivers are joining just for one race, not for the full season and I don't like that..

There will always be those, we can't help it..
But the reason we don't agree with that suggestion, is that if you want to join OLFSL, but can't join midseason - the season has just started and it won't end until March 2006. Would you really wait that long to join?

OLFSL is meant to be "a league for all" - that's why we don't block joining in the middle of the season. Anyone can join when he/she wants to.
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from DasKlee :didn't sami put the replays on the OLFSL page last season?

i bet they will be on there this time as well, so just give them some time to sort everything out, run the statistics tool and update the web page

The replays ARE on OLFSL website, FienDi put them there.
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from PwrSlave :Hi all!

I was wondering if it is allowed too use the logo design that was chosen as the best looking for the coming race this sunday. I'm asking because i wouldn't want too see people talking about beeing irresponsible and puting something on a car that isn't supposed too be there. I apologize if thread as this was oppened before and i'm just some noob that didn't see it before.


I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed, but there are 3 different versions of the logo that seems to become the OLFSL logo, so I don't recommend it just yet. We have to arrange a staff meeting and decide what to do with it before we make it official.

I know you guys are anxious to get OLFSL logo on your cars, but be patient for a while longer We've been very busy lately, and that's why this has been a low priority issue and has received so little attention.

I'll try to talk about it with other staff members ASAP.
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
At this point we are not going to make any changes to our Race Calendar.

Next season will be different (cars, tracks, combos), so you can make suggestions about that, but since it's 6 months away, I think it's not important right now..
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :NASSA 1 server is open for all that wish to practice BL1 in the XFG XRG cars, Also there will be a Race held this Wednesday (Oct 12th) evening (9PM EST) for those that want to tune up.

Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Servers can take about 20 racers/pool. Atm we have 66 subscribers and 20 of them have sent a hotlap. Based on the past seasons, the number will go up to 50 at least.

This is why I have to divide people in groups, about 20 racers/group. There may be 20 in a pool, or just 16, that depends on how many racers have sent their hotlaps. My main goal is to get same amount of people in every pool. This may of course cause a situation, where someone is 2 seconds slower than the others, but so far the pools have been pretty even.

Hopefully this answers your question..
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
If you want, you can always drive a new hotlap, and if it's better, replace the current hotlap with it

Mrs FienDi
Pool Manager/PR Manager
The Original LFS League
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Oh.. Opera. Try Firefox?

Opera sends a code that makes our site think it's a cell phone.. a problem we haven't been able to fix yet.
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from hackerx :In that thread I see 4 suggestions for TBO race, incl. from myself.

But none of them was "this sucks".
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from hackerx :Bah... car/track combos suck.

You wanna make the choices next time?? We spent hours trying to get good combos! Besides, commenting something by saying "this sucks" doesn't exactly build anything, just pisses people off. How about some suggestions next time instead of that?

This is why we published the Race calendar so well in advance, so we'd have time to make changes. And as you (you too hackerx) probably noticed, I asked for suggestions in another thread, but "this sucks" wasn't exactly what I expected..

FienDi is currently testing South City Town Course with TBO, if he feels it's good, we'll make the change.

This is the way it's gonna be this time, next season is once again gonna be a bit different.
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from russraine :I'm hoping for quite a few races this time, enough for example, that if you have one bad race (or even miss it due to illness say) that you aren't out of the championship. I know each race is vital, but the fewer there are the harder it is and more likely that only the top three guys (or girls) will win.

There will be 12 events during the next OLFSL season. 5 before christmas, 7 after. We will have a long christmas break, partly because one of the events would have been on 25th of December. Here's what our Race Calendar looks like atm:

16.10. Blackwood GTi & GT
30.10. Kyoto GP Long FOX
13.11. South City Town Course UF1000
27.11. Aston Cadet rev UF1000
11.12. Fern Bay RallyX RB4
Christmas break
8.1. Aston National rev XFR, UFR
22.1. Aston National XFR, UFR
5.2. Westhill International FOX
19.2. Aston Grand Prix XRR, FXR, FZR (This is planned to be a long race)
5.3. Blackwood Rallycross XRG
19.3. South City Sprint track 1 MRT
26.3. Fern Bay Club rev LX4

The tracks we plan to keep, but we're open to suggestions about the cars.

Quote from russraine :I don't know about everyone else, but I like the idea of a 10 minute Quali before the race, the hotlaps gives the pros more chance to be perfect and start at the front, qual's give more random outcomes. Anyway not slagging off the way things are, just my opinions. Would like to hear everyones.

We gave this up and took in the hotlap system, because we had pools (in every event) where there was one really fast guy, next guy was like 30 seconds behind him and so on. If we had 2 racers, who could actually race against each other, that was a lot. So this is why we decided to try the hotlap thing, and so far it has worked well, although it gives a chance to sandbagging but we have a lot of honest racers who don't do that.
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Because I haven't heard from you guys what you feel might need to be changed

I thought we were supposed to have a meeting or something and make the changes as a group. But I heard nothing from you after that.

Quote from Tweaker : It looks rather simple to me, and that is all that I would change.... a quick edit, and it wouldn't change the overall look, just the small text.

Then do that, write down your terms and send them to me, then we'll talk.
[email protected]
The Original LFS League announcement
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Pabs(Sco) is now a trusted member of OLFSL Staff

Welcome! :laola:

Mrs FienDi
Pool Manager/PR Manager
*The Original LFS League
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
First of all, I never even thought about putting these logos on a car skin.

Anyway.. as it seems logo number 2 won the poll (that's not a decision btw) we have to seriously consider it, but to be honest I don't see how an unfinished logo could be THE logo. Tweaker said he could make some changes, but haven't heard from him since.

The idea of this poll was to find a logo, that would be on OLFSL mugs, t-shirts etc. To be absolutely honest I wouldn't attach any of these logos on my car skin. So it was just a merchandise logo, but, in the end you all decide for yourself.

I was thinking of getting mugs with top 2 logos (or 3, I recall there was a tie), and see what becomes the biggest hit. In this case it's the amount of money that decides this, not the poll; I don't need 300 mugs I can't get rid of. But unfinished logos will not be printed on the mugs (or any products), so logo number 2 needs to be finished asap.

Then there's this other issue with the logo.. exclusive rights. I want to know Tweaker's terms and conditions before I agree to anything. And I want it in writing. I've been stabbed in the back enough, I trust no one when it comes to contracts or money.
Mrs FienDi
S2 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :Logo 2 looks so much better than the others it's almost sickening.

On behalf of those who actually took the time to make a design for us:

If you can't/won't make a design yourself, then you shouldn't be smashing other people's designs.

"Let the person who's conscience is cleanest throw the first stone.."

Some people actually spent time on this! I think it's a great thing. There wouldn't be a vote if it wasn't for these people.

It may be the most professional looking, but OLFSL is not necessarily looking for the most professional design. I like designs 1 and 3 the most, because those 2 are good for every situation, both would look good on t-shirts, mugs etc., and they're very casual and simple.

OLFSL is run by 2 people, who are 24 and 25 years old. We want to keep it casual and open for everyone.

I probably shouldn't say this, but I'll say it anyway. The reason I don't like design number 2, is because it's too official, too professional looking, too.. can't find a word that would describe what I'm trying to say here.. It just doesn't feel right for OLFSL.
Nothing personal against the designer, I just don't like the design.